Carla Palette’s identity for furniture brand Tresi is founded on radical honesty

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Tresi is on a mission to help people buy amazing furniture at affordable prices. Carla Palette explains how her brand identity design helps convey that message effectively.

During a cost of living crisis, people are less receptive to branding messages of glamour, luxury and excess. At the same time, many people still have money to spend and want nice things. But in the current climate they’re more likely to respond to themes around value, and that’s where Tresi comes in.

Founded in 2023 in Brooklyn, New York, this new company promises consumers “luxury, eclectic pre-treasured furniture and decor without the retail markup”. And they’ve collaborated with Carla Palette, a brand identity designer and art director currently working in Berlin, to help get this message and ethos across.

Carla, who previously worked as a senior brand designer at Mother Design London, was tasked with developing Tresi’s brand identity design, campaign design and art direction. Key to this effort was an overriding theme of honesty.

She explains: “With brand transparency on the rise and lifestyle retailers being pushed further under the microscope for public scrutiny, it’s becoming more and more crucial for brands to peel back the curtain on their internal processes and be openly transparent about the hidden costs behind the price of a product.”

“Since cost breakdowns are so often tightly guarded secrets, studies show that when a brand does share this information, consumers consider it a form of ‘intimate disclosure’, fostering an honest relationship between brands that disclose intimate information to the consumer.

“Whether it be fast fashion, interior design, food and beverage, there is a red string with the theme of honesty and transparency that acts as the core theme for brands to stay competitive in today’s branding landscape.”

Brand story

Tresi believes interior design should be inclusive for all, with everyone deserving a living space that reflects their personal style without breaking the bank.

To make the often tedious and cumbersome experience of home furnishing as hassle-free and enjoyable as possible, the company is committed to providing consumers with transparent pricing, door-to-door convenience and dedicated customer service.

“Much like the fashion category, the interior design category operates in trends that recycle over time,” says Cara. “Throughout the creative process, we found that there is a lot to be learned from the fashion industry in terms of creating a design system that could house multiple styles and eras of design without compromising the recognisability or visual consistency of the brand.”

In other words, the direction behind the brand takes cues from the fashion world. It applies them to the interior category, visually presenting itself as an exclusive brand whilst boasting an honest and inclusive pricing approach through an easy-to-understand visual design system and tone of voice.

“This allows consumers to feel that they are getting high ‘luxury quality’ furniture pieces for affordable prices, adding to the overall value consumers feel they are getting from the brand in a way that feels inclusive and accessible for all,” says Carla

“From the core identity through to brand language, campaign design and art direction, Tresi’s mission is to create a contemporary interior design experience that appeals both to entry-home decorators to those with a refined taste and knowledge of interior design.”

Central to this mission is educating the audience on the hidden costs within the interior category and drawing comparisons to other interior brands that take advantage of this gap in knowledge across the interior design category, such as Ikea, Wayfair, and KAIYO.

Visual elements

The custom-designed logo mark is simple and elegant, focusing on simplicity, innovation and style. The curvy ‘E’ within it represents a seamless logistic and customer service journey for consumers when buying and swapping out furniture within their homes, as well as the innovative and sustainable approach to recycling furniture and reducing landfill. The ‘E’ has also been extracted to create a memorable brand symbol, used in various ways across brand touch points.

“Tresi’s brand identity design balances an elegant logo with a simple yet refined primary type treatment that visually supports the transparent brand voice and allows for easy-to-consume brand messaging with a premium and elevated look and feel,” says Carla.

“The brand’s primary typography is paired with simple secondary typography for a minimalistic feel, taking cues from luxury brands and pairing it with an art direction approach based on relatability and inclusivity, allowing consumers to see themselves within the brand and breakdown any traditional visual cues of exclusivity.”

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