How to create a hand-drawn logo

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What would you prefer between a hand-drawn logo and a digital logo? With AI and many other online tools available for logo design, many business owners still go for the hand-drawn one.

It is amongst the most attractive emblems that drive attention quickly due to its natural texture and feel. Many brands have benefitted by adopting such logos as their brand identity. However, only a well-thought-out and drawn hand-made logo can yield the desired results.

With a hand-drawn brandmark, a business can connect with people and engage them with products or services. Such a logo has its impression on the target audience. A key feature and attraction of these types of logos is that they have a personal touch. So, brands looking to engage people at a personal level can rest their hopes on a handmade logo.

Let us dive a little further into different aspects of these logos.

What is a hand-drawn logo?

A hand-drawn logo is one that a logo designer draws personally by hand. It is much like a signature that one does on a piece of paper personally. The only difference is that a signature is not a design. So, a hand-drawn logo makes the design of a product look entirely personal.

However, nowadays, logo-maker tools can also generate logos drawn by hand. That means a hand-drawn logo also gives the impression of being hand-drawn, though it may be entirely a computer-generated design.

Why use a hand-drawn logo?

We see many types of logos everywhere on products and marketing materials. Most of them are created by individual designers or customized from logo templates.

Here are some key reasons why brands opt for hand-drawn logos:

Increased customer engagement

Hand-drawn logos are seen as a way to engage target customers. So, when a coffee shop has a sketch of coffee beans as a logo, it catches the attention and ensures better engagement.  

Give a human touch

In the modern digital age, with most visuals created using digital tools, a hand-drawn logo gives the design and brand a human touch. Such a unique logo drawing then sparks curiosity and leaves a lasting impression.

Stand out from the crowd

With hand-drawn logos, brands can stand out from their competitors. People and target audiences will see such a logo as unique, which in turn will help its brand look different. The logo then conveys that the brand offers valuable products and services.

Empower Your Brand

Hand-drawn logos are also unique in their ways of empowering a brand. These logos can transform a brand’s identity due to the lasting impact made on the audience.

Make sure that you take the right steps in creating an impressive handmade logo.

How to create a hand-drawn logo?

Now that you know the major benefits of hand-drawn logos for businesses, find out how to create such a logo for your upcoming small business. Here are the key steps to draw a logo:

Consider the Tone  

The tone in design is about its appearance as an image. It is also an area of contrast between lightness and darkness. So, a customer gets the tone when seeing a logo. For example, the UPS logo has a professional tone, conveying the message of a professional shipping service. Similarly, the Barbie logo has a playful tone since the company provides Barbie dolls and toys.   

To get the proper tone, ask some questions. Consider to whom your logo is targeted to. Find out what vibes does your logo is set to convey. The color you choose for your logo is also a crucial element for setting the tone. So, these are easy logos to draw if you know the tone in advance.   

Brainstorm ideas

Discuss your logo with your friends and ask them for unique ideas. Or just sketch more logos to find out what you have in your mind. Brainstorming alone or with your friends is a surefire way to get a wide range of ideas. Think of many designs to draw on paper and then make it a part of brainstorming. Repeating the same will give you some outstanding outcomes. Once finished, choose the one that best expresses your brand value and personality. Work on that idea to develop it into an impressive logo.

You can even take your logo ideas to social media, start a poll, and see which gets the maximum votes. Based on the results, you can think about how to draw your logo for maximum attention.   

Try different logo styles

A logo style is responsible for giving personality to the design. Choosing a style carefully results in helping the design look different from the rest of the brandmarks in the market.

Hand-drawn logos come in various designs depending on how designers create these attractive visuals. Here are the major types to consider when you draw your own logo:

Signature Styles

A logo can be in the form of a brand owner’s signature, which gives credibility to the business. These are hand-drawn or imitations of the signature and perfectly mimic natural handwriting.

Abstract Styles

Some hand-drawn logos do not express their meaning at a glance. These are abstract logos with no definite meaning but draw attention. These logos have an artistic value despite not being legible.  Make sure you choose a custom logo design service with great portfolio to draw logos in abstract styles. This is because these are sometimes tricky designs to draw.

Casual Styles

A casual style of logos also falls under the category of hand-drawn logos. These attractive logos stand out due to their unpolished, youthful, and fun-filled looks. This style may go well with your Instagram logo.

Script Styles

The Script style of hand-drawn logos is based on classic cursive design. These contain personalized letters, which are connected to make a continuous line. 

Graphic Styles

A hand-drawn logo can also appear in a graphic style. Such logos are usually in bold lettering and have a dynamic appearance due to texture and motion.

Draw one final sketch of the logo 

You have prepared multiple rough sketches on paper. That effort gives you many logo ideas. Now is the time to inspect all those logo sketches and see which is closest to your brand message and personality.

When picking a suitable logo sketch, ensure it scales well. It means choosing a sketch that will look impressive in both large and small sizes. It should also be versatile, meaning it looks impressive when colored or on a black-and-white background.

Make sure you draw a larger version of the initial sketch on the paper. That will help in incorporating fine details in the logo space. But try to create a simple design with essential details only.

Prepare a digital version of the logo

Your hand-drawn logo is impressive on the piece of paper you drew it. But does it look equally great on different digital platforms, such as social media? Ensure the logo does not lose uniqueness and features in digitized formats such as JPEG or PDF files.

So, when thinking of how to turn a drawing into a logo, choose the software carefully to convert your logo sketch into a digital file. It would be good if you could avoid creating a fake hand-drawn logo with the help of a logo template or other methods. Such logos do not always look good digitally. Such a logo looks more like clip art. According to a study, 78% of consumers think that logos are works of art. So, creating a handmade logo enables them to understand how much work and effort has gone into it. So, draw the logo either on paper or using a digital stylus.

So, consider these basic but helpful tips when creating an impressive hand-drawn logo. Pay attention to each step and get the best out of it before moving to the next phase of designing the logo.

If you are not good at drawing a logo by yourself, you can still get the one for your brand. Submit your request to the designers at Designhill, the leading creative marketplace. This site has hundreds of talented designers who can create a hand-drawn logo per your brief.

If you want to explore software to design a logo, Designhill’s logo maker can help. It will develop dozens of new logo ideas based on your brief. Using the free logo maker tool, you can bring your ideas to life.  

Wrapping Up

Hand-drawn logos give a human touch to the overall look and feel. You need to understand your brand and its audience to create a handmade logo. After that, you can brainstorm ideas, draw sketches, and then turn them into several logo ideas. You can choose the one that is closest to your brand’s personality.

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