Soft Geometry in Warm Wood Sculptures by Aleph Geddis

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If your algorithm is influenced by a proclivity for woodworking, sculpture, or abstract geometric forms, Instagram’s “for you” page might have already suggested the work of sculptor Aleph Geddis. The artist’s feed is a menagerie of geometric figures toeing the line between abstract and identifiable, each a dimensional Rorschach carved from wood inviting us to project our own imaginations onto each piece.

Drawing upon the traditions of wood carving and totems from the indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest, the woodwork of Bali, and the familial influence of his stepfather’s similar craft, Geddis carves each piece by hand from his Orcas Island studio in the same locale.

Geddis also credits a trip to Japan and being exposed to the culture’s tradition of woodworking as another source affecting his sculptural explorations that encompass the figurative, abstract, and perhaps even architectural.

His sculptures tie together the rational realm of mathematics and platonic solids with a spiritually inspired curiosity about the realm of sacred geometry. Several of his vertical pieces exhibit a softer interpretation of Brutalist forms while others evoke visions of wondrous alien audio speakers befitting of Arcosanti.

Sculptor Aleph Geddis in his carving shed

The artist recently hosted a secret sale for his followers via mailing list, so if you’re hopeful of becoming host and home to Geddis’ work like we are, be sure to sign up over at his website for his next release.

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