Reporting of transactions made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities

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Company Announcement no. 06/2024

Reporting of transactions made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities


Copenhagen, April 16, 2024


Pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation Article 19, cBrain A/S (NASDAQ: CBRAIN), hereby notifies receipt of information of the attached transaction made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities in cBrain A/S.


Best regards

Per Tejs Knudsen, CEO






Inquiries regarding this Company Announcement may be directed to

Ejvind Jørgensen, CFO & Head of Investor Relations, cBrain A/S,, +45 2594 4973



Company Announcement no. 2024-06 (Ledende medarbejder transaktion)

Standardformular dansk pdf til indberetning af ledende medarbejders salg af aktier – PTK


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