The Daily Heller: Our Students, Their Ventures, Much Pride

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Every graduation season I write a commencement speech on the off-chance I’ll be asked to present one. That hasn’t manifested—so this grad season, my offering is the catalog of the SVA MFA Design / Designer as Entrepreneur “Venture 24: Beyond Now” thesis presentation at the SVA Theatre.

Co-chair Lita Talarico and I are very proud of our students. Guided by devoted faculty and advisors, they have developed their own products—from idea to prototype to business plan.

If I were asked to give a commencement address tomorrow, I’d show this work as one example of how today’s designers ready themselves for tomorrow (and beyond). We have been in a world where making superlative work is the essence of what we do, or should be doing. At any level—associate, BFA, MFA, Ph.D.—the mandate is to train designers to think, make and do.

It is a rewarding process. A gift for all concerned.

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