A Sinking Feeling of the Infinite Shapes the Luxurious INFINITO

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In 1916 Einstein changed the world forever with his theory that space is not an empty void, but composed of an invisible four-dimensional structure whose shape is determined by the presence of matter and energy. Planets, stars, and galaxies all leave an imprint upon this universal fabric known as spacetime. You’ve probably seen the effect visualized as a grid plane deformed, sort of like the depression a cat creates when they rest upon a bed. The concept is beautifully realized in the INFINITO, a sink designed by Giulia Delpiano and Corrado Conti of architectural studio ovre.design made by Italian marble specialists, FMG Shapes for their Imera Collection.

If you imagine such descriptions of the INFINITO as mere fancy, note the designers describe the conical bathroom furnishing themselves as the “very concept of infinity through its groundbreaking design.” Furthermore, they go onto call the sink the manifestation of the “eternal moment of absent matter that defines both before and after forming a whole… encapsulating the inexplicable paradox of being and non-being, a continuous flow that is the search for balance; that often uncertain movement that adapts to reality, materializing only when it becomes past and imagining future depends on us.”

All sounds very space timey, no?

INFINITO’s imaginative allure is its shape, one fashioned to conjure the effect of water vanishing magically into nothingness.

With a fluid futuristic curvature suggestive of the astronomical geodetic effect of spacetime, the INFINITO sink actually has more earthly and solid origins. Made from agglomerated marble scraps and Portland cement, INFINITO was conceived to minimize the ecological impact of each sink basin, reusing fragments of stone and reducing material waste sans the inclusion of any synthetic resins or thermal energy.

But by all appearances, the INFINITO sink flows with the contemporary continuity of an abstract sculpture rather than a mere wash basin. For additional information about the infinitely conceived form and function of the INFINITO, head over to ovre.design.

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