The Daily Heller: Berman’s Book Boom is a Boon to Graphic Design’s Legacy

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Over the past five decades, Merrill C. Berman has acquired a vast collection of avant garde, progressive and revolutionary graphic design. He lends an incredible number of objects and original sketches, comps, paste-ups and printed ephemera to museums and galleries throughout the world—but his collection is not just a lending library of rarities. His wellspring of artifacts is open 24/7 by virtue of the numerous printed and digital publications that are issued weekly, and just a click away for those who wish to study and learn from them.

Each document is a curated dive into the different subsections and collections within collections of Berman’s overall holdings. They supplement and complement the newsletters that are free for the taking. We’ve written about this wealth of material before, but we can never thank Mr. Berman enough for his generous sharing of his collection with scholars and researchers.


The post The Daily Heller: Berman’s Book Boom is a Boon to Graphic Design’s Legacy appeared first on PRINT Magazine.

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