The Daily Heller: Ladislav Sutnar in Mint Condition

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Josef Mistera is the founder and chairman of the board for the Sutnar Foundation—the Radoslav and Elaine Sutnar Foundation. The Foundation owns all of Sutnar’s copyrights, “so I was able to negotiate with the Czech Post Office for the issue of this stamp.”

The image is from the “Red Venus” series (held at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art in Pilsen), which Mistera describes as “geometry disguised as images of women.”

Each image in the series was a strictly calculated and designed layout, but rather than frame a product or serve a decorative design purpose, it expressed Sutnar’s personal interest in artistic shapes and forms for their own sake. These apparently freeform—but in reality quite disciplined—works have not had the same influence as his graphic design.

I believe that Sutnar would be happy with the stamp.

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