Quality power service enhances Liaoning Zhen’an seasonal vegetable sales nationwide

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DANDONG, China, Dec. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — This is a report from Xinhuanet:

Dandong,Liaoning,CHINA —Yongbao Hu, a local farmer, was busy picking and transporting radishes this month from the field in Mashi — a village in Jiuliancheng town, Zhen’an District, in Dandong city, Northeast China’s Liaoning Province.  

“The temperature is kept between -3 to 0℃ in the fresh produce cold storage. The cold storage allows us to sell fresh vegetable during New Year’s Day and Spring Festival. My income doubled this year, excluding the cold storage cost and electricity bill.” Hu shared his business success aided by the fresh produce cold storage system.

Thirty-nine similar fresh produce cold storage were available in Jiuliancheng Town. With a total capacity of 725 tons and electricity consumption of 1200kW, these storages can ensure the low-temperature preservation of more than 2,000 mu of local fruit radish.

 Jiuliancheng town, known as a dominant food supplier in the local area, has a fruit and vegetable planting area exceeding 9,000 mu. The increasing planting quantity requires higher quality for fresh produce cold storage. With the working mechanism of “government-enterprise cooperation”, the State Grid Dandong Zhen’an Power Supply Company followed the residents’ electricity demand closely through co-construction between villages and the company, and provide reliable electricity guarantee for the fresh produce cold storage.

At the same time, the company has simplified the power supply process, optimized the power supply service, and conducted in-depth research on the hot and challenging issues that residents care about. The company continuously provided nearly 300 farmers in the town with technical support, including power supply guarantees, equipment maintenance and upgrading, and effectively cutting down energy consumption and electricity. 

“The power supply service went deep into the countryside, so the fruit radish went into the storage. Since cold storage is becoming more stable, voltage instability and power failure are decreasing significantly. After tasting the sweetness of the radish, many growers in our village are ready to build cold storage and install electricity meters. “Yang Guofeng, director of Mashi Village, said.

In recent years, the company has fully served the local economic development, allowing a series of fresh produce cold storage to take root in the fields. Provide a revolutionizing future for local agriculture — turning a local fruit from a basket to a delicacy exported to the world, reflecting the constantly upgrading vitality of modern agriculture in China.




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