Adorable new animated logo takes the shape of different dog breeds
The clever kerning was inspired by a hug.
The clever kerning was inspired by a hug.
Can you spot all the design influences?
Ghostrunner 2 is a sharply designed sequel that tries too hard.
I need the Grimace tote bag ASAP.
Fluffy the Bunny Within the vast collection of dolls produced in the USSR, some were universally cherished and desired by every child. However, others took a decidedly different route in their appeal. If you have… Read More »The Scariest Soviet Toys Ever Made
The set contains funny situations, various passages and everyday moments familiar to the inhabitants of the big cities of our vast country. Unfortunately, it is not possible to buy such a set – so far… Read More »The Designer Showed a Fictonal Branded LEGO Set with An Ordinary St. Petersburg House