Colorful Nonsense: Paintings Of Everyday Life, Common People, And Insignificant Stuff But Elevated

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Lisa Vaccino is an art director at an advertising agency in Malmö, Sweden. On Instagram, she goes by @fredagvaccino, which means “Friday Vaccino”. That’s because Friday is the day she dedicates to her passion: painting.

She decided to work only four days a week, so she could have one day off to do what she loves the most. She paints everyday life, common people, and insignificant stuff, but with a lot of color and elevation. She uses gouache, which she considers the best thing that has happened to her (besides her three kids).

She enjoys painting without anyone telling her what to do or how to change things, unlike her day job. She expresses her creativity and personality through her art.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda


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