Embrace the future of graphic design by studying online with Shillington

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There’s no need to spend three years at university and pay eye-watering tuition fees. Shillington’s respected online courses will get you into a graphic design job faster and at a much lower cost.

Graphic design has always been an evolving landscape. But in the world of 2023-2024, even the way we learn and practise the discipline is undergoing a dynamic transformation.

As technology advances and our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the boundaries of traditional education are blurring, paving the way for innovative learning models that transcend geographical limitations and empower aspiring graphic designers.

Shillington, a global leader in graphic design education, stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering a comprehensive online learning platform that caters to the needs and aspirations of creatives from all corners of the globe.

With full-time and part-time courses available across three convenient time zones, giving students flexibility in when to study, Shillington empowers students to pursue their passion for graphic design without the constraints of location.

Mother of Invention

This brilliant new approach to design education was forged in the face of unprecedented challenges presented by the pandemic. Shillington, with its 27-year legacy in design education, found itself at a crossroads as the traditional in-person teaching model became increasingly untenable.

But the new online approach they developed didn’t just help students get through Covid-19. It’s been a huge success in its own right and now lies at the core of Shillington’s educational strategy, as founder Andy Shillington explains.

“When we got forced into online teaching during Covid, I was very concerned that we wouldn’t be able to offer the same community environment that we have so successfully created in the physical classroom,” he recalls. “I’m so pleased to say that I was wrong! Our online classes still seem to be cosy and stimulating. We visit each other’s homes, studios and kitchens every day. We’ve met each other’s cats, kids, and partners, and we continue to travel the world with our new global friends. Most importantly, the portfolio work that is being produced is brilliant.”

Timely approach

And this innovative teaching model couldn’t be more timely to anyone looking to study for a job in the creative industries today.

With Keir Starmer recently announcing that a Labour government would be unable to abolish tuition fees and universities warning that fees will have to increase further to save from bankruptcy, a traditional, three-year degree is looking increasingly uneconomical for most people in the UK.

In contrast, a three-month full-time or nine-month part-time course with Shillington will qualify and prepare you to start working as a designer following graduation at a much more affordable price. And being able to study online means your living costs will be much lower than attending a traditional university, too.

Plus, it’s just a great way to learn anyway. “The new format provides students with increased time and flexibility to apply the skills acquired throughout the day or during asynchronous learning sessions,” explains Shillington teacher Nathan Millard. “It fosters meaningful discussions on critical design thinking with peers, facilitating the analysis of both others’ work and their own.”

Friendly and non-judgmental

You don’t, of course, have to take our word for it: just talk to anyone who’s studied with Shillington online, and you’ll see how well this innovative new business model works in practice.

“I love the intensity; it helps keep my focus and absorb information much easier,” says Shillington student Bede O’Sullivan. “I really like all the teachers; they’re all incredibly friendly, non-judgmental and helpful, and they want you to succeed, which is amazing. I love learning how to use all the Adobe platforms, which I have previously had to shy away from due to a lack of ability and knowledge. And I love how the briefs set you up for post-Shillington life and prepare you for real-world design experience.”

Another Shillington student, Rebecca Stewart, adds that learning with Shillington is a whole different ball game compared to typical online self-study. “The lecturers are really great and explain everything succinctly and very clearly,” she enthuses. “The structure of the whole course is incredible: getting so much info in while absorbing the info and using it at the same time is terrific. I’ve spent years flailing around on the forums and YouTube but never understood design programs like this.”

Shillington student Nathan King agrees. “It feels very targeted and down to business,” he says. “The structure seems very balanced and not overwhelming like college was. Both teachers and peers are lovely to be around. It feels like an environment of growth, and it’s up-to-date compared to traditional education.”

A world of possibilities at your fingertips

In short, Shillington’s online courses democratise access to knowledge and skills, opening up a world of possibilities for aspiring graphic designers.

These courses seamlessly integrate the rigour and intensity of traditional classroom learning with the flexibility and convenience of digital platforms. Students can engage in live lectures, demos, briefs and critiques from anywhere, regardless of their geographical location.

“I love that we start back to basics and build a good foundation before going too deep into any project,” says Shillington student Louis Deverreaux. “I like the fast-paced nature of the course; it really feels like a boot camp. It’s a positive learning environment that makes me more enthusiastic about graphic design.”

And as Shillington student Samuel Peasnell notes, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. “I’m really impressed with the quality of the work everyone is creating in such a short time,” he says. “I love graphic design, have become obsessed with Typography and now want to create my own font. The teachers are excellent. The access they provide — to ask immediate questions, share screens, and so on — is extremely valuable.”

This global reach extends Shillington’s impact beyond traditional educational hubs, enabling aspiring graphic designers from India to Australia, Singapore to Spain to embark on their creative journeys without the need to relocate.

This, in turn, fosters a truly inclusive and diverse learning environment where students from various backgrounds and cultures come together to share ideas, exchange perspectives, and collaborate on projects.

As Jack Trotman, head of teaching at Shillington, puts it: “Students can really learn from anywhere and grow a global design network with their fellow students. Now we can teach from anywhere, meaning our network of teachers has expanded into different experiences, cultures, insights and aesthetics.”

A strong reputation

Best of all, you can trust Shillington to provide high-quality training and education taught by professional designers who are also working in the industry. This means they know exactly the kinds of skills and knowledge employers need on a daily basis.

Most importantly, the teachers here really care about the students and go the extra mile to help them succeed, both during and after the course. There’s even a dedicated Experience Team that’s specifically in place to support students outside of online teaching.

Upon successfully completing the course, you’ll get a Certificate of Completion, which is recognised by employers worldwide. And you’ll be well-prepared to enter the workforce with a strong portfolio of professional-grade design work.

And that’s not the end of it. Shillington’s extensive network of industry partners and alumni will continue to provide you with invaluable opportunities for internships, freelance projects and full-time employment. So, in other words, Shillington is the gift that keeps on giving throughout your career.

“Personal engagement is the key to this course,” notes Shillington teacher George Simkin. “We’ve created an environment that pushes the boundaries of being online. It includes personal discussions and unique connections with each individual student. And as a teacher, you genuinely forget you are online because of the live engagement with the student. This creates an atmosphere that you need when nurturing creative minds.

“In short, we have created a creative community unlike any other online course. It’s got connection and engagement like no other. The students’ work and their experience are solid proof of this.”

Take the first step: book a chat

So how do you get started? The great news is that Shillington’s experienced team of advisors is here to guide you every step of the way. To learn more about the institution’s online graphic design courses, why not schedule a personalised consultation with a Shillington representative here?

They’ll guide you through everything you need to study at Shillington and potentially change your life forever. So don’t delay; book a chat today!

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