Global Packaging Trends You Need to See

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Since 2021, Pentawards, the leading packaging design competition, has released a Trends Report featuring 10 key trends based on entries into its latest competition.

With over 2,000 packaging design projects submitted each year from 60 countries, Pentawards is in a strong position to witness and share the trends from a truly international point of view.

The Pentawards team meticulously evaluates the entries, thoroughly examining each one to identify patterns and trends prevalent across different categories and regions. The process involves analysing various aspects, ranging from bold design elements to primary packaging and branding components, to uncover common threads shaping the landscape. These trends are current but also growing, as the Report includes a section where Jury members provide insights on where each trend is likely headed next, offering valuable foresight for professionals in the field

This comprehensive approach ensures that Pentawards’ Trends Report offers a panoramic view of the evolving packaging landscape, serving as a compass for industry professionals navigating the ever-changing consumer preferences and market dynamics.

Among the 10 trends highlighted in the 2023/24 report are: 

Art of Subtle Details: In drinks packaging, in particular, we’re seeing brands going the extra mile with subtle details to evoke a particular character or narrative around their products, creating a sense of depth, discovery, and personality. Packs featured include MIAO by Left and Right Creative Design, Carmenero by Spazio di Paolo, Cutthroat Gin by Mousegraphics.

Layering up: Packaging is more than protection; it’s a canvas for storytelling, and here, we see that layers have been used to indicate transitional processes, stories, and layers of ingredients. Packs featured include Clos du Val Bernard’s Cuvée by CF Napa Brand Design, As one with olive oil by Design Bridge & Partners, Terroir 41º N, 0º E by Vamos Estudio.

Design With Purpose: More and more design transcends aesthetics to carry meaningful messages; this not only captures attention, but also sparks awareness and encourages positive actions. Packs featured include Bonsai gift by drawrope, Omel by Omdesign, Cat Food by MYS Group Co.

And All About the Numbers: These packs creatively incorporate numbers as a core aspect of their label design – whether it’s to convey transparency in sourcing, portion guidelines, commemorating milestones, or expressing a brand’s character and mood. Packs featured include: Momenten by E2W Studio, Younihaoguozi by Shenzhen Chushan Design Culture Group, Beast’s 35g by Hangzhou Furrytail Technology Co.

Each trend is illustrated with multiple packaging examples from around the world, along with an insight from a member of the Pentawards’ 50+ strong expert jury panel and a hint at where each trend might head next. 

With entries coming in from diverse corners of the globe, it’s really exciting to see the variety of patterns and similarities in these international entries. And it’s even more thrilling to hear from industry experts about where these trends might be headed.

Jennifer Clements, Senior Project Manager at Pentawards.

Earlier this month, Pentawards also hosted its first online Trend Talks, featuring the designers of the packs that were featured, as well as discussions with Jury members including Pentagram, DesignBridge & Partners and Pearlfisher.

With the 2024 competition preparing to close its doors, we’re excited to see how this year’s entries will help shape future global trends.

Download the report here.

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