You can find multiple options to make your phone appear off, there may be any reason to turn off the phone or put it in silent to avoid unwanted calls & alerts from Sales, Credit Card, Loan companies. You are in a right place to sort out the ‘phone must look turned off’ problem.
How to Make Your Phone Appear Off:
I have picked few proven solutions to make your phone appear off while you can switch it at any moment when needed. Read out the complete available options & chose the best one that suits you
1) Activate Flight Mode
Besides the long-lengthy trick to hide your phone or Put in silent mode, you can simply “Turn On Flight Mode”. It will block all the calls & replies with network issue which could avoid many unnecessary calls.
2) Call Forwarding:
Call Forwarding is an amazing feature in the mobile, through this feature you can divert the calls from your own number to another person without any permissions
Activate Call forwarding –> Settings-> Call Forwarding-> Add Mobile Number
3) Smartphone Apps:
Apps like phone signal jammer has the little potential to avoid the signals for your mobile phone. so you can give it a try to spoof your phone to be Turned off
4) Switch Network
In your phone settings, you can find a network option, there you can try out tweak by manually shifting your mobile network to a different one. This way you can control or avoid the calls on your phone
5) Call Blocking
In all latest smartphones, call blocking options is built-in to take control of unwanted advertising, loan, credit card calls without depending on the third-party apps to be installed for long usage
6) Pack the Phone
A mobile phone hidden in an air-tight container or package can block the signals from moving in. Hence not even a single call gets connected to your phone & thereby you can trick as if the phone is dead
7) Detach SIM Card
SIM card is an integral part of the smartphone to handle all communications over the network. Most of the problems end when you detach the SIM Card on your mobile. The phone looks dumb & silent with no vibration or a gesture to show-up on the mobile screen.
8) Setup Caller Tune
You can play a trick with caller tune for your mobile number. Just record a phone not reachable tune from any mobile & add the tune as caller tune.
Now whoever calls to your mobile hears the tune as if your mobile is not reachable & avoiding calling you or even ends the call without hearing the full tune
9) Enable “Do Not Disturb” Mode
Turn On “Do Not Disturb” Mode to avoid all the notifications & alerts coming to your phone. You can easily mute all the alerts regardless of calls, msgs, alarms, reminders without being rude
10) Disconnect Battery:
You can spoof the smartphone as if you have turned off by detaching the battery on your smartphone & unless battery in original place, The screen will not blink. So problem solved. (Note: follow this only if you have no other option left)
11) Create a Spoofing profile:
On Calling apps like Truecaller, you can create a spoofing profile to look not reachable & out of network area with in few seconds & save the settings. hence your profile shows-up all truecaller applications as Not reachable.
Hope this trick helps you to resolve the spoofing phone as if it is turned off & please do write your suggestions via comment section.