“Interesting, but aesthetically it’s already dated” says commenter

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In this week’s comments update, readers are discussing Danish architecture studio BIG’s recently completed skyscraper in Texas.

Called 1550 on the Green, the 28-storey skyscraper in downtown Houston consists of a “bundle” of six towers that curve slightly as they rise, with the tallest reaching a height of 450 feet (137 metres).

Commenters had mixed opinions.

BIG completes staggered “bundle of towers” in Houston

“Keeping it simple but doing it well”

Souji found the building “not bad, but not good either”. They continued “the ‘steps’ make the composition a bit interesting, but aesthetically it’s already dated – looks straight out of the 1970s”.

MrG called the project “a good middle-ground design-wise”.

Dwg thought “the elevations look well resolved and the silhouette is kept clean” and they posited “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with keeping it simple but doing it well”.

However, Marius declared it “a chunky, banal one-liner” and Locus chimed in that “BIG is running out of steam”.

What do you make of BIG’s Texas skyscraper? Join the discussion ›

The interior is designed in the same minimalist monochrome style


Another story that got readers talking this week was about designer Job Smeets collaborating with yacht brand Firmship to create a limited-edition Land Rover Defender that has a stripped-back monochrome look both inside and out.

“Love it, well done,” congratulated La Canal.

Franc Lea was less sure, saying “it’s so very grey inside, and the texture of all that suede is just not nice! Not pleasing.”

For Bobkat, the design was an “appalling and pointless makeover of a timeless classic”.

On the same page, Zee exclaimed “Yikes! Why!”

Yikes or yes please? Join the discussion ›

Migaloo aims to disrupt superyacht market with giant luxury submarine

“Toys for real-life Bond villains” 

One story that commenters could agree on this week was about the design for a 165-metre-long submersible superyacht, unveiled by Australian company Migaloo, that could allow ultra-rich people to enjoy private underwater adventures.

Several readers voiced concerns about the climate impact. “I am disgusted”, commented Marina Zurkow. “It is distressing that the ultra-wealthy have zero consciousness of environmental catastrophe,” they continued.

Rd thought the ultra-rich “are getting ready for dystopian times – not trying to prevent it, but arm themselves against the consequences”.

Freediverx was also indignant. “As if we needed more toys for our real-life Bond villains,” they said.

Others drew parallels to another submarine-related story from last year: “guess they haven’t learnt from the Titan…” wrote Scotty.

Meanwhile, HeywoodFloyd argued “so much vitriol directed at the rich, what about the numbskulls who actually took the time to design it?”

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Comments Update

Dezeen is the world’s most commented architecture and design magazine, receiving thousands of comments each month from readers. Keep up to date on the latest discussions on our comments page and subscribe to our weekly Debate newsletter, where we feature the best reader comments from stories in the last seven days. 

The post “Interesting, but aesthetically it’s already dated” says commenter appeared first on Dezeen.

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