Meanwhile: Ivy Cafe

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A hamper of pretty things, from my browser to yours.

For some reason, this week I can’t move for photographs of yellow cars! No idea why, they just keep popping up on Threads and Pinterest and everywhere. There’s something exceedingly pleasing about them. Something about that exceedingly lovely shade of almost-orange-but-not-quite contrasted against a blue sky. Or perhaps it’s that the modern mind is wired to be drawn to taxi cabs. Anyway, I love the juxtaposition of these two shots – one from William Eggleston’s 2 1/4, the other from Peter Marshall’s pictures of London cafes in the 1980s.

The rather delicious new redesign of Creative Boom – thank heavens they kept the cursor-curious eyes! – is a fine excuse to catch up on all those posts that may have passed you by this year. For example, I just discovered the work of photographer Nico Froehlich, capturing the hidden charms of London in his South of the River series.

I finally whittled down my selection for the year’s best film posters for Creative Review. It involved a lot of shortlisting, mind-changing, agonising, caffeinating and dragging my wife into the room so I could ask her inane questions about the comparative qualities of Emmas Stone, but I got there eventually.

Another end of year list worth scrolling through: Lit Hub’s 139 best books covers of 2023 (seriously they could at least pretend to whittle). So much dauntingly wonderful work out there – impossible to pick a favourite, but this design and illustration by Jonathan Bush for Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi’s The Centre really grabbed me. If noting else, I’m a sucker for some Ed Ruscha type.

Aaaaand that’s about it for 2023. Thank you to all you lovely subscribers, you give me somewhere to pour all of these stupid words out. Enjoy the break, eat, drink, be merry, all of that jazz. I’ll leave you with this shot of Kurt Cobain and Kim Deal taken by Steve Gullick for Melody Maker, 1993.

This was originally posted on Meanwhile, a Substack dedicated to inspiration, fascination, and procrastination from the desk of designer Daniel Benneworth-Gray.

Photo by Wolf Schram on Unsplash.

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