Studio BND revitalises Arts for Dementia with a vibrant rebrand

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Breathing new life into the UK-based charity and championing the voices of those affected by dementia.

Studio BND proudly has unveiled a comprehensive rebrand for Arts for Dementia. The UK-based charity stands by the mantra that ‘life doesn’t end with a diagnosis’ – it marks the beginning of a new chapter where Arts for Dementia can be a guiding light for those who need it.

More than just a rebrand, Studio BND wanted the project to reflect the charity’s celebration of resilience and community and worked directly with individuals living with dementia to inspire the approach.

Arts for Dementia envisions everyone affected by early-stage dementia finding, enjoying and benefitting from creative activities. The rebrand reflects this vision, emphasising possibilities and recognising the agency individuals maintain even after a diagnosis.

Studio BND worked closely with the charity to develop the new logomark, symbolising Arts for Dementia as a beacon of hope for those affected by dementia. By embracing imperfection, the design pays tribute to the reality of life with the disease, inviting others to support, embrace and share imperfections.

Research has revealed widespread misunderstanding about the impact of dementia, especially overlooking the stages between diagnosis and the end of a person’s life.

Contrary to common belief, individuals living with dementia often retain significant agency for extended periods post-diagnosis, a misconception which is increasingly being challenged.

By conducting creative workshops with Arts for Dementia, Studio BND directly Involved individuals living with dementia and caregivers in the process. A series of pictograms emerged, showcasing the vast range of interests, classes and workshops the charity offers. These pictograms became a cornerstone across various touchpoints, creating a toolkit of visual assets co-produced by the very individuals Arts for Dementia aims to assist.

A priority for Arts for Dementia was an accessible system, achieving an AA rating across the website. The result is a colour palette rigorously tested for both web and offline environments, accommodating the unique challenges posed by dementia.

Ben Mottershead, director at Studio BND, shared his perspective: “Our priority during this process has been to lift the veil on Dementia. We believed it was vital to highlight that life doesn’t end with a diagnosis, and we sought to reframe the existing narrative and champion the next chapter in an affected person’s journey. And to show their optimism, agency, and determination.

“This rebrand is not just a visual transformation – it’s a testament to the resilience and vitality of those affected by dementia, inviting all to join in the celebration of life beyond diagnosis.”

The chosen typeface, Figtree, boasts clean and friendly geometric qualities, ensuring clarity and legibility across various scales. Modifications to the wordmark enhance differentiation and legibility, accommodating conditions such as dyslexia.

Studio BND also recognised the impact of dementia on memory and vision, leading to the development of a component-based system with clear hierarchy and separation. This approach ensures distinct placement and engagement with visuals without causing confusion or visual overload.

The website design focuses on accessibility, vibrancy, hope, and enjoyment – a departure from the conventional tone in the sector. Studio BND streamlined the user experience, adhering to AA and AAA accessibility standards, implementing Alt-Tagging, and introducing a mouse-free navigation system for those with mobility-based disabilities.

Language is vital to the website’s design, with clear signposting and simplified communication at every touchpoint. Studio BND implemented a component-based web system, providing a clear structure for all assets and imagery, ensuring an enjoyable experience for all visitors. The result is a revitalised platform that aligns with Arts for Dementia’s ambition of supporting life after diagnosis.

Penny Fosten, CEO of Arts for Dementia, adds: “We are delighted with the new brand and very excited about implementing it. We reviewed our strategy and priorities in 2022, and it was clear that in order to reach more people and inspire them to explore the benefits of creativity for people affected by dementia, we would need a really engaging, uplifting and accessible brand and website. Studio BND has been a great partner, working to understand us as an organisation, our stakeholders and beneficiaries, and dementia itself.

“The approach was hugely collaborative, and they wanted to use co-production as much as possible – it’s wonderful to see icons in the branding that our participants, trustees, volunteers, staff and partners created. The whole team looks forward to seeing the new brand, colours and logo out in the world.”

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