The Aureole Lamp Collection Is a Cosmic Garden of Delight

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Black sand, cutting-edge 3D-printing technology, and experimentation. All three of these elements – plus sunflowers – are behind Rollo Studio’s Aureole Collection that debuted during London Design Festival 2023. Each lamp exudes an otherworldly aura, inviting curiosity through a spiral structure that intertwines, folds, and curves to create layers of depth. It’s an ode to nature’s beauty and the studio’s biophilic design principals, with each lamp’s uniquely textured surface distributing and diffusing light in different ways. Stand directly in front of an Aureole lamp and it can become a visually hypnotic experience.

To make the collection a reality, Rollo Studio collaborated with companies Exone and Sandhelden. While sand molds are primarily used for metal casting in the auto industry, the trio looked beyond convention to see sand itself as the final object. They developed a method that sustainably enhances the strength and durability of the 3D-printed pieces, an advanced binder jetting process. When applied to the black sand it opens new doors to possibilities while pushing the boundaries of organic design.

To learn more about the Aureole Collection, visit

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