The Bouquet Vase Creates Performative Tension While Holding Your Blooms

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There’s always room for more fun in our day-to-day lives, and Nik Bentel Studio takes advantage of this every chance they get! The New York City-based maker previously brought us The Puffer Bag, Moon Chalk, and the Loopy Chair, among other limited-edition performative objects that can’t help but make you smile. Their creative designs range from furniture to clothing, handbags to housewares, and toys. Now, we’re witnessing a moment for The Bouquet Vase.

The inspiration is obvious – a perfectly square block of Swiss cheese. Dotted with various sizes of familiar holes but designed to avoid overflow, The Bouquet Vase can hold up to a dozen flowers. Not a single hole dips below an inch from the vase’s bottom, allowing for a water capacity of around 8 oz.

Bentel said that the vase is designed to be anything but generic, adding “I hope it inspires creativity and originality in placing flowers in truly unique ways.” But if flowers aren’t your thing, there are plenty of other uses for The Bouquet Vase – add pencils, have it hold your reusable straws, or whatever else you choose.

“The Bouquet Vase was extremely challenging to build properly, but this is one of the reasons why I love the vase so much… figuring out how to properly cut the holes and make sure the seams came out clean,” Bentel admits.

Fabricated with a sheet of perforated stainless steel, the vase’s perfect 4-inch cube is welded together before being painstakingly hand-polished to a mirrored finish. Limited to 200 units, The Bouquet Vase arrives at your door with a limited edition verification card, made out of a similar metal to the case itself, and custom box.

To learn more about The Bouquet Vase, visit

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