Artist Draws Comics That Feature The Issues People Struggle With These Days

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Jay Samit, an artist, uses painting as a refuge from a chaotic world. He notes the shift in pop culture from a collective experience to a more personal one, driven by powerful technologies, especially AI, that shape our lives and choices.

Having spent years creating these influential tools, Samit now questions their control over us. He developed adaptive video games and advertising platforms but regrets not considering their ethical implications.

Samit reflects on Warhol’s 1968 prediction of fleeting fame for all, contrasting it with today’s world where anonymity is a luxury. He questions the cost of modern conveniences like Tinder, Netflix, beauty filters, and Alexa. His vibrant paintings explore the balance between privacy and convenience, intimacy and popularity, and real connections versus social media likes.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda


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