‘Insure Your Happiness’: playful outdoor campaign celebrates the health benefits of pet ownership

“Insure your happiness” is the rallying cry in a new campaign by Uncommon for cat and dog insurance brand, ManyPets. The outdoor series was inspired by new research that found that owning a pet improves our mental and physical health – helping us reduce stress or become more active.

The playful campaign for ManyPets is the first by London creative studio Uncommon since winning the account last year. The series of posters feature close-ups of different animals and impactful words that draw out real data from a commissioned study of 385 pet owners. A fluffy cat enjoys the accompanying text, ‘Anti-Stress Ball’ and a sub-header that reads: ‘89% of people say their pet helps them deal with anxiety and stress. While an eager-looking pup sits beside the word ‘Upper’, alluding to the fact that 80% of people believe their pets give them more energy.

“Pets make everything better,” says Lucy Jameson, co-founder of Uncommon. “They don’t only bring us joy. They also have a proven positive impact on both our mental and physical wellbeing. In a world of stress and chaos, pets are more important than ever. We spotted there was a huge role and tension for ManyPets to play into here. We wanted to remind people that they must insure their pets to ensure their happiness.”

As such, the campaign reminds us of the importance of looking after our pets to “insure our happiness” with ManyPets’ pet insurance. It’s a simple message that marks a significant chapter in the company’s journey as it expands its pet health and insurance offer.

Further close-up imagery of pets is paired with further data from the survey, including a fluffy white pooch that reads ‘Spirit Guide’, revealing that 90% of people say their pet helps them feel calm. While a sprightly little dog accompanies the phrase, ‘Personal Trainer’, with 88% of people admitting pets make them more active.

“No one can deny that the relationship between pet and pet parents brings incredible mutual benefit,” says Ryan Wheaton from ManyPets. “Despite this, it can be difficult to articulate what pets really mean to us. Uncommon has captured our bond compellingly, highlighting the limitless ways our pets look after us. In return, pet parents are looking for more ways to keep their pets happy and healthy for longer, and ManyPets is here to help ensure that happiness.”

The outdoor series will run throughout the UK during July. It will be accompanied by a series of films with seven different endings running across television and online over the next two months.

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