Master Email Greetings With These Professional And Fun Examples

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When it comes to email communication, first impression matters. Email greetings are the catalysts that ensure you cast a lasting impression on your recipients. Businesses like yours send emails regularly to establish a long-term relationship with them. So, starting the email with the right greeting is essential. 

But how would you do that? That may sound easy since there are words like “Hi,” “Hello,” and more. These are generic greetings. You can actually use many other wiser choices to elevate your email greetings game for impeccable communication. 

So, check your email for its greeting part. Make sure that you greet the recipients in a professionally and amicably to keep the relationship alive. Starting an email with greetings is the gateway to future connections. 

How to Master Email Introductions 

There are multiple ways of greeting someone even in your email messages. But choose your greeting phrases carefully after considering your formal or informal relationship with the email recipients. Here are some examples: 

Greetings For Any Occasion

If you do not know a specific way of greeting to start your email conversation, then settle for a classic greeting. These may not be unique greetings in email format, but these are safe ways to greet on most occasions. 

Hi [name],

This greeting is ideal for a straightforward start of the email message. By taking the person’s name, you make it personal and warm for the recipient. You can also use first name or Mr. /Ms., Dr, Professor [last name] after greeting Hi. 

Hello [name], 

To say hello at the start of your professional email message is a bit formal expression. But when you mention the recipient’s name, there is a fair amount of warmth. 

I hope you’re having a pleasant day,

You can start a professional email with a pleasant greeting. But use this greeting for those whom you have met before or know recently. 

Good morning/afternoon/evening,

Use this greeting when you want to be friendly and to-the-point with the email’s recipient. You can send such an email to a group of people as well. 

I hope this email finds you well,

You should opt for this greeting when sending an email to the person whom you haven’t met or written for a long time. This also sets the tone for further conversation. 

Professional Greetings

When writing emails for professional work, your greeting also should have a formal tone. Here are some professional email greetings you can follow while sending emails: 

I’m contacting you about…

This expression shows your respect for the recipient of your email since you give a reason about why you are reaching out with this message. Reading this line will help them know why you’re approaching them. 

I’d appreciate your input on…

This greeting indicates that you seek the recipient’s opinion. You can start the email with this line and proceed further to provide them the reason for writing the email.  

I’m writing you to…

This is the greeting professionals write when they need to come to the point straightforwardly without going through formalities. 

I reach out to you

You can write this greeting line in an email you send to someone you have never communicated with before. This greeting prepares the recipients for the context of the email.

Greeting someone you recently met

If you met someone recently and want to start an email conversation, your greeting should remind them of the first meeting. These are the greetings to start an email with:   

Great meeting you at [event/place]

With this greeting, you remind the recipient that both of you have met at a particular place. Then, you will talk about the place and the topics you discussed. This helps the recipient remember you from the crowd. 

In light of our recent meeting at [event/place]

When you wish to adopt the most formal tone, use such formal email greetings as it is considered a standard option. 

Following up on our conversation at [event/place]

If you were in conversation with someone at a networking event but could not extend the talk for any reason, this email greeting would be a good start. In the first meeting, you might have offered your business card. This greeting gives them the context for further conversation.

It was nice meeting you at [event/place]

You can use this greeting to start the conversation in a pleasant way while reminding them of the previous meeting. With this opener, you remind that the recipient already knows you. Now, you can confidently proceed to discuss the purpose of your email without being formal anymore. 

Greetings during job search process

When searching jobs and sending application or simply a message to a potential employer, be warm and professional in your greetings. Here are some email greeting examples for job seekers:

It was a pleasure talking with you,

Start your email with this greeting as a follow-up email after an interview. The greeting lets the interviewer know that you appeared in the interview and that you appreciate their time. You can also then justify why you deserve the position. 

We haven’t had the privilege of meeting, but I saw we both attended [name of school]! 

If you find someone who was your old classmate, use this greeting to remind them about your closeness with them. You can start the conversation amicably after the greeting. 

I’m grateful to be considered for this position, 

After your job interview is over, you would like to send an email to express your gratitude to the interviewers and thank them for their time. But the greeting to start the email should be such that it strikes the right balance between confidence and gratitude. It would be good to show your appreciation first and then talk about your expertise and experience in the field. 

I enjoyed learning about the specifics of [position title],

If you are not much confident of getting selected for the job, this email greeting might work well for you. You take the lead and show your confidence through such a greeting. This also helps them decide if they can choose you for the job. Or, you can also use the greeting to inform them that you do not want to continue with the interview process. 

Greetings for follow-up emails

Many of us send follow-up emails to the people we meet to remind them of the meeting. Keep such greetings short and sweet. Here are some formal greeting email examples when writing a follow-up message:

Per our conversation,

You should think of using this greeting phrase when following up a conversation with the recipient. 

Per our phone call,

This is a straightforward greeting when you send some follow-up points or materials to the recipients of the email after a meeting on phone. 

Sending the [documents//task list…] as promised,

If someone asked you to send documents, notes etc. after a meeting, this is the proper way to greet. You can straightforwardly come to the point so that they know the relevance of your email. 

Here is the [research/article] I mentioned, 

You can use this greeting when someone has mentioned an article in a meeting and you want to send a follow-up to the others.

Just a recap of what we talked about today,

When you have had a profound discussion with your colleagues or juniors in a meeting, send them an email with this greeting. You remind them straight away of the topics you discussed and decisions made. Therefore, it has a less formal tone. 

Group Greetings

When you want to greet many people in the same email, choose a more general greeting. Here are some examples to follow:

Hello all,

‘Hello all’ is the greeting you can use in emails when you do not want to list everyone’s name. So, the greeting allows you to be short and sweet in your address to the team members. 

Hi team, 

If you want to opt for a more casual greeting, then ‘Hi team’ is the one you can depend on. But use this greeting for the members you regularly meet. 

I’m glad to announce…

Use this greeting when you need to set and announce goals for your whole team. It is to inform them about customer feedback or something encouraging happening for your business, etc.

I saw this [blog post/research] and thought you might find it interesting, 

This is another exciting group greeting you can explore when you are excited to have found something you must share with your team or friends. With this greeting, you can come straight to the point so they can read the message thoroughly.

Funny Greetings 

When sending less formal emails with a touch of fun, you can start with some fun-filled greetings. Such an email begins the message on a lighter note. You can discuss some serious issues later on in the message. Here are some examples of funny email greetings:

Happy “Not Monday”

Working people generally do not welcome Mondays since they enjoy Sundays and then return to work. So, they need help getting into work mode quickly. When sending email greetings in a funnymood on Monday, you can use this greeting as a fun element to add to the message and make things light-hearted.

Hope you’re surviving another workweek

This is another greeting for the working people who have to give their best every day in offices. The greeting acknowledges the hard work the email recipient is doing. Then you can go on telling about the purpose of the email.

Just what you want: another email!

Send emails with this greeting when you are afraid the recipient may not like another email from your end. So, acknowledging that you know this might annoy them can make them feel you respect their feelings. They will then be ready to read your entire message.

I’ll keep this short

Use this greeting when you want to show respect for the recipient’s valuable time. By greeting this way, you are telling and indirectly asking for forgiveness for taking their time. That is a good way to say something urgent. 

It’s me again

When you have already send a few emails and need to send one more for some urgent matter, this greeting can work. The recipient will then take your message well without getting annoyed. 

These are the major professional and fun email greetings you can consider using at the beginning of your emails. Make sure that your greeting is such that it establishes a solid relationship with the recipient. 

How to end an email professionally?

Besides the email greeting, your signature at the end of the message is equally important. It should look professional to make an impact on your potential clients. Therefore, use an email signature generator from Designhill to create a professional sign-off. 

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Wrapping Up 

Your email message is important, but its success also depends on how you greet the recipient at the beginning. There are some email greeting phrases that you should consider. Choose the right phrase that best conveys your relationship, formal or informal, with the recipients of your message.

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