Portfolio & Coffee is a Free Resource for Designers Looking to Connect

Stuck in a rut? Looking for a portfolio review? Want to chat with another creative to gain insight into all things design and the creative life? Discover SSStudio’s Design Portfolio & Coffee—a free weekly event on Tuesdays from 10 AM -12 PM PST (12 – 2 PM CST / 1 – 3 PM EST). Sign up for a 30-minute chat with creative director and founder of SSStudio, Shawn Scott—it’s a no-pressure space for anyone and everyone.

We asked Shawn Scott a few questions about his initiative and the inspiration behind Portfolio & Coffee.

JD: What was the motivation behind Portfolio & Coffee? 

SS: I was looking for a way to give back to the creative community out of appreciation for those who helped me along my way. It’s been a challenging time for creatives with downsizing and layoffs this year, leading to a very competitive job market on top of everything else. It’s a small way I felt I could foster community, camaraderie, and promote an open sharing of knowledge.

JD: What can people expect during their session with you?

SS: This is a space where design professionals can share their work, goals, and challenges and have an open conversation with one of their colleagues in the field. People can expect a low-pressure space where they can be heard, ask questions, and share their experience as working creatives. I’m here to offer encouragement and pass on any information that may help along the way.

JD: What’s your favorite thing you’ve discovered throughout these years as a creative person that you like doing the most in your career? 

SS: In all my years doing this work, the opportunity to collaborate, connect with, and be a guide to other creatives has been the most fulfilling.

JD: What advice would you give anyone starting their design career? 

SS: Find what you love about what you do; your work will shine and guide you through the twists and turns.

Join Shawn on Tuesdays from 10 AM – 12 PM PST for Design Portfolios & Coffee for a free 30-minute chat to get feedback on your portfolio, discuss goals, and share experiences.

Sign-ups open until Nov 21 and then start back up in the new year on Jan 9.

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