The Best Minimal Plants for Small Garden Spaces

It’s hard to find the right plants for a smaller garden space, and if you prefer minimalist designs, you’ll have to use plants that don’t crowd an exterior space too much.

Luckily, plenty of plants work well in a small garden space, and we’re going to reveal them in this post. These plants don’t compromise your area, and most require little maintenance.

Let’s dive in.

Aloe Vera

This plant is perfect for small gardens because it’s about as low maintenance as it gets. Aloe Vera is a succulent, so it does not require much water.

Many people make the mistake of watering it too often, which causes the plant to die. You should water your Aloe Vera plant once every two weeks, and it will be fine.

So, if you’re looking for a plant that can tolerate some neglect, then Aloe Vera is the plant for you!

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Sansevieria is another excellent option for small garden spaces. The plant, also known as Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is a succulent plant and doesn’t require much water.

You can water your Sansevieria once every few weeks without worrying about it in-between. Better still, these plants are perfect for indoors and outdoor gardens because they don’t require much light.


minimal cactus

Cacti are popular for both gardens and homes. Like the other succulents, they don’t need much water and can tolerate a lot of neglect. If you’re looking for a plant that will add some interest to your garden, then cactus is a great choice!

There are many different types of cactus, so you can choose one that fits your aesthetic. Just be sure not to overwater them, as this can cause the plant to rot.


Roses are a classic choice for small gardens because they’re relatively easy to care for, and they come in a wide range of colours.

Roses require more maintenance than some other plants on this list, but they are still beneficial for small garden spaces.

Be sure to water your roses regularly and fertilise them every few weeks. Trimming them back after they bloom will also help encourage new growth.


minimal lavender

Lavender is popular for small gardens due to its pleasant smell and beautiful aesthetic. This plant does best in full sun, so choose a spot in your garden that gets plenty of light.

As lavender is so colourful, you might find that you don’t want – or need – any other plants, which will enable you to maximise your outdoor space.


Hydrangeas are quintessentially British flowers that will bring any outdoor space to life. They come in a beautiful palette of colours, from white to pink to blue, and they’re relatively easy to care for.

These plants need a lot of water to grow and flourish, but they’re perfect for containers, so you won’t need to worry about compromising too much space.


Petunias come in a wide range of colours, including white, red, purple, blue, yellow and pink, so there’s something for everyone.

Better still, petunias are easy to care for – as long as you deadhead the flowers regularly to encourage new growth.


Minimal Pansies

Pansies are perfect for small garden spaces because they don’t require much maintenance. These plants produce beautiful flowers that come in a wide range of colours.

Pansies do best in full sun, so choose a spot in your garden that gets plenty of light. You should also water them regularly and fertilise them every few weeks.

Choosing The Right Plants For Your Needs

As you can see, many different types of plants can work well in small garden spaces. But how do you know which ones are right for you?

The best way to choose plants for your small garden is to consider your maintenance needs, style preferences and budget.


The plants that require little maintenance are usually those without flowers. Aloe vera, cactus and snake plants are easier to care for because they don’t need constant watering.

Roses, pansies and petunias need regular watering, and you’ll have to fertilise the plants regularly.

Understated Or Colourful

If you want a plant that will add colour and vibrancy to your space, roses, pansies, or lavender might be a better choice because they’re vibrant.

However, the flowerless plants offer a lush green colour, which is ideal if you love contemporary and minimalist designs.


The cost of plants can vary depending on the type and size. But, as a rule of thumb, the larger the plant, the more expensive it will be.

So, if you’re on a budget, choosing smaller plants is a great way to save money. Aloe vera, cacti and snake plants are all relatively inexpensive, and they’ll still make a significant impact in your garden space.

Your Garden Layout

When you’re choosing plants for your small garden, it’s essential to consider the layout of your space. For example, potted plants are a great way to add colour and interest if you have a patio.

You could also hang baskets or plant climbers, which will help utilise any vertical space.

If you have a balcony, choosing plants that can be attached to the railings is a great way to make the most of your outdoor space. Hanging baskets or window boxes are perfect for this.

No matter what type of small garden space you have, there are plenty of options available to you. So, consider your style and maintenance needs before making your final decision.

You can also use a landscaping company to ensure your garden’s minimalist design works for your space.

The Bottom Line

What’s important to remember when choosing plants for your small garden is that there are many different options available to suit your needs.

Whether you’re looking for low-maintenance or high-impact, there’s a plant for you. So get out there and start exploring the wide world of plants – or get in touch with our landscapers for support.

If you enjoyed reading this post, take a look at our informative guide on how to maximise your small garden space. It contains plenty of valuable tips and ideas, including creating an integrated living room and exterior space.

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