The Daily Heller: My Back Pages

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While Steven Heller is vacationing in Herald Square between Christmas and New Year’s Day, he has agreed to reprise a few of his favorite recent posts—such as this one from July 28. The Daily Heller will return on Jan. 2.

I’m taking this unbearably hot summer-stay-inside-an-air-conditioned-space time to reread, re-appreciate and relax with some of my analog PRINT magazine pages of yesteryear. Here I have selected a few stories that I enjoyed working on. I look forward to the time they will (soon) become accessible to all, along with dozens of other waiting-to-be-digitized editorial content. The selection here includes my front-of-the-book “Evolution” columns (edited by Zachary Petit). Click on the image to blow them up for a readable display.

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