Twelve Creative Voices to Follow in 2024

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At PRINT, we publish original articles covering the best in design, art, and culture. We also serve as a platform to amplify industry voices. Here are twelve of our favorite. Many of our writers offer a paid Substack subscription, while others have a newsletter you can sign up for. We hope you will consider reading and supporting these industry voices this year!

1. Elissa Altman

Elissa Altman is an award-winning author of memoirs Motherland and Treyf. Her new book, On Permission, is coming this year. Elissa’s work has appeared everywhere from the Washington Post to the Wall Street Journal and On Being. Poor Man’s Feast is her James Beard Award-winning journal about the intersection of food, spirit, and the families that drive you crazy.

The Soul-Killing Myth of Perfection

On messes, creativity, and the minefield of the ideal.

Read more on her Substack, or keep up with her archives on PRINT here.

2. Daniel Benneworth-Gray

Meanwhile is a Substack dedicated to inspiration, fascination, and procrastination from the desk of designer Daniel Benneworth-Gray. His column is a treasure of clickable obsessions often illustrated by his own collage work. Benneworth-Gray also compiles the year’s best film posters for Creative Review.

Read more from Daniel Benneworth-Gray’s in PRINT.

3. Rob Schwartz

Rob Schwartz is the Chair of the TBWA New York Group and an executive coach who channels his creativity, experience and wisdom into helping others get where they want to be. On his Substack, RobSchwartzHelps, he covers work, life, and creativity. His funny and relatable posts are chock-full of practical wisdom on the creative process for clients (and life, in general).

Deliverables are making us miserables.

From Basics Before Breakthroughs

View Rob Schwartz’s archives on PRINT.

4. Liz Gumbinner

Liz Gumbinner is a Brooklyn-based writer, award-winning ad agency creative director, and OG mom blogger who was called “funny some of the time” by an enthusiastic anonymous commenter. On her Substack I’m Walking Here, she covers culture, media, politics, and parenting.

View Liz Gumbinner’s archives on PRINT.

5. Tom Guarriello

Tom Guarriello is a psychologist, consultant, and founding faculty member of the Masters in Branding program at New York’s School of Visual Arts. He’s spent over a decade teaching psychology-based courses like The Meaning of Branded Objects, as well as leading Honors and Thesis projects. He’s spearheaded two podcasts, BrandBox and RoboPsych, the accompanying podcast for his eponymous website on the psychology of human-robot interaction. Guarriello’s Substack, My Favorite Things, covers the psychology of who we are, why we like what we like, and how we present to the world.

View the My Favorite Things archive on PRINT.

6. Lynda Decker

Lynda leads a team at Decker Design that focuses on helping law firms build differentiated brands. Decker’s LinkedIn newsletter, Marketing without Jargon covers a wide range of topics about conceptualizing, building, and sustaining a brand.

View more by Lynda Decker on PRINT.

7. Sean Childers-Gray

Sean Childers-Gray is a designer, writer, trans advocate, and educator. Deeply personal and relatable, his Substack, The Shape of Our Dignity, covers the moments in our lives that bring us to ourselves.

Read more by Sean Childers-Gray.

8. Virginia Postrel

Virginia Postrel is a writer, columnist, and speaker who writes about the intersection of commerce, culture, and technology on her Substack newsletter. She is the author of The Future and Its Enemies, The Substance of Style, The Power of Glamour, and most recently, The Fabric of Civilization.

Shakespeare Grew Up in a Changing Economy, and People Felt Stress Then Too

On the contrasts of economic nostalgia.

Read more from Virginia Postrel’s archive on PRINT.

9. Alma Hoffman

Alma Hoffmann is a freelance designer, design educator, author of Sketching as Design Thinking, and editor at Smashing Magazine. Alma’s Substack, Temperamental amusing shenanigans, often features her own artwork and is dedicated to design, life, and everything in between.

View Alma Hoffmann’s archive on PRINT.

10. Deroy Peraza & Sruthi Sadhujan

Insights by Hyperakt is a newsletter written by partner Deroy Peraza, and senior strategy director Sruthi Sadhujan at Hyperakt, a purpose-driven design and innovation studio that elevates human dignity and ignites curiosity. The articles cover branding topics, geared towards nonprofits but relatable to all, and feature custom illustrations by Merit Myers.

View articles by Deroy Peraza and Sruthi Sadhujan.

11. Tatiana Schlossberg

Tatiana Schlossberg is the author of the award-winning book, Inconspicuous Consumption: The Environmental Impact You Don’t Know You Have. As a journalist writing about climate change and environmental degredation, Tatiana’s work has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, and The Atlantic, among others. Her Substack News from a Changing Planet is a twice-monthly newsletter about what on Earth is happening.

Check out Tatiana Schlossberg’s archive on PRINT.

12. Sam Aquillano

Our newest addition to the Creative Voices symphony is Sam Aquillano, an entrepreneur, design leader, writer, and founder of Design Museum Everywhere. Sam publishes a twice-monthly newsletter for the creative-business-curious, Business Design School. Look for content from Sam soon!

P.S. We’re always looking for new voices to share. This year, our focus is on elevating creative voices that have been underappreciated and underrepresented. Reach out to recommend someone or nominate yourself.

Photo by Nik on Unsplash.

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